MilesFiles 23.0

Hundreds of Eastern Shore Families from Charlemagne to the Present

Robert Bayly, Sr. (Pocomoke)

Robert Bayly, Sr. (Pocomoke)

Male Abt 1725 - Yes, date unknown

Family Lines: Paternal Lines    |    Maternal Lines

Bayly Family

Earliest Ancestor(s)Edward Bayly & Hannah Stockley
OriginsAbout 1660
Descendants1742 Descendants / 13 Generations.
Variant Spellings(--?--), Bayly
NotesIn 1708 Edward and Hannah Baily sold to Samuel Church part of tract A121. (Note: Could this be the Edmund Bayly who was married to Hannah Scarburgh? However, this Edward did have a daughter named Hannah.)


Pedigree of Robert Bayly, Sr. (Pocomoke)


Edward Bayly (b. Abt 1660)
& Hannah Stockley (b. Abt 1667, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
Robert Bayly (b. Abt 1696, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
& (--?--) (--?--) (b. Abt 1700)
Robert Bayly, Sr. (Pocomoke) (b. Abt 1725, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)

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