MilesFiles 23.0

Hundreds of Eastern Shore Families from Charlemagne to the Present

Thomas Hickman, (blacksmith)

Thomas Hickman, (blacksmith)

Male Abt 1797 - Bef 1856  (< 59 years)

Family Lines: Paternal Lines    |    Maternal Lines

Middleton Family

Earliest Ancestor(s)Lucretia Middleton, (Middleton?) & Thomas (of Edward) Hickman, (blacksmith
OriginsAbout 1770, Accomack County, Virginia, USA
Descendants255 Descendants / 9 Generations.
NotesThere is not record of Thomas Hickman's marriage, but he is joined by wife Lucretia in signing the deeds that divided his father's property in 1798. The only inference to her maiden name is a deed in 1807, in which Thomas Hickman B.S. and wife Lucretia join William Middleton in selling land to John Cropper (Acc Deeds 1804-1807, p. 720). This implies that she was a Middleton.


Pedigree of Thomas Hickman, (blacksmith)


Lucretia Middleton, (Middleton?) (b. Abt 1770, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
& Thomas (of Edward) Hickman, (blacksmith (b. Abt 1770, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
Thomas Hickman, (blacksmith) (b. Abt 1797, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)

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