MilesFiles 23.0

Hundreds of Eastern Shore Families from Charlemagne to the Present

George (of Shad) Mears, (miller)

George (of Shad) Mears, (miller)

Male 1790 - 1869  (79 years)

Family Lines: Paternal Lines    |    Maternal Lines

Mears Family

Earliest Ancestor(s)Bartholomew Mears, (I) & Mary (--?--)
OriginsAbout 1641
Descendants6763 Descendants / 14 Generations.
Variant SpellingsFletcher, Jackson, Mears
NotesHe married before 4 Oct 1668 as the deed he gave to William Taylor on that date was cosigned by his wife, Mary Mears.


Pedigree of George (of Shad) Mears, (miller)

(3x Great Grandfather)

Bartholomew Mears, (I) (b. Abt 1641)
& Mary (--?--) (b. Abt 1648)
John Mears (b. Abt 1671, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
& Margaret Garrison (b. Abt 1674, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
Bartholomew Mears, (III) (b. Abt 1693, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
& Rachel Kellam (b. Abt 1705, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
Shadrack (of Bar) Mears, (Guilford) (b. Abt 1730, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
Shadrack (of Shad) Mears (b. Abt 1755, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
& Esther (d|o_Thos?) Fisher (b. Abt 1764, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)
George (of Shad) Mears, (miller) (b. 1790, Accomack County, Virginia, USA)

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