Surname List
(Hinman ?),
(Taylor ?), Abbott,
Ackley, Adair,
Adams, Agathorn,
Ames, Anderson,
Andrews, Annis,
Arlington, Arnold,
Auth, Ayres,
Babkin, Badger,
Bagwell, Baker,
Barlow, Barnes,
Barrett, Bayley,
Beal, Bell, Belote
, Bennett, Benston
, Berry, Biggs
, Birch, Bishop
, Blackstone,
Blake, Bloxom,
Boggs, Bonewell,
Boole, Booth,
Bowden, Bradford,
Bradley, Bratton,
Brickhouse, Brimer,
Broaddus, Broadwater,
Broughton, Brown,
Budd, Bull, Bundick
, Bunting, Burkins
, Burriss, Burton
, Byrd, Carmine
, Carpenter,
Cavanaugh, Chandler,
Chase, Chesser,
Christopher, Clark,
Clay, Clayton,
Clegg, Coke,
Coleburne, Collins,
Colonna, Conquest,
Conway, Copes,
Corcoran, Cordrey,
Core, Costin,
Coxton, Crippen,
Crockett, Crowson,
Culver, Curtis,
Custis, Dalby,
Darby, Davidson,
Davis, Delastatius,
Dennis, Disharoon,
Dix, Dixon, Dize
, Dolby, Doughty
, Douglas, Downes
, Downing, Drummond
, Duffield, Duncan
, Dunham, Dunne
, Dunton, Dutton
, East, Edwards
, Eichelberger,
Elder, Elligood,
Elliott, Ennis,
Evans, Ewell, Eyre
, Fanton, Fatherly
, Finney, Fisher
, Fitchett,
Fitzgerald, Fletcher,
Floyd, Folio,
Fosque, Foster,
Fowkes, Fox,
Freshwater, Frey,
Frost, Fulcher,
Ganet, Gardner,
Garrett, Garrison,
Gascoigne, Gault,
Gibb, Gibbons,
Gillespie, Gillett,
Givens, Gladding,
Gladstone, Glanville,
Godwin, Goffigon,
Goin, Gootee,
Gordon, Gray, Green
, Griffin, Griffith
, Grinnalds,
Groton, Gunter,
Guy, Hack, Haggoman
, Haley, Hall,
Hallet, Hallett,
Hamby, Hamilton,
Hancock, Handy,
Hannaford, Hardy,
Harmanson, Harmon,
Harrison, Hart,
Harwood, Hastings,
Hatton, Heath,
Hickman, Higgins,
Hill, Hinman,
Holdsworth, Holland,
Holstead, Holt,
Hope, Hopkins,
Hornsby, Houston,
Hovermale, Hubbard,
Hudson, Hunt, Hurtt
, Hutchins, Jacob
, James, Jarman
, Jarvis, Jediediah
, Jefferson,
Jenkins, Jester,
Johnson, Jones ?),
Jones, Joynes,
Justice, Kalaris,
Kellam, Kelly,
Kendall, Kennard,
Killmon, King,
Kitson, Lang,
Langford, Lankford,
Laws, Lawson,
Leatherbury, LeCato,
Ledford, Lewis,
Lilliston, Linton,
Littleton, Lofland,
Lovell, Luker,
Lynch, Lyon, Mack
, Mahone, Major
, Mapp, Marsh,
Marshall, Martin,
Mason, Massey,
Masters, Matthews,
Mayo, McCoy,
McCready, McFalls,
McJilton, McKown,
McNema, Mears,
Melson, Middleton,
Miles, Miller,
Milliner, Mills,
Mister, Moor, Moore
, Morris, Munns
, Murray, Neech
, Nelson, Newton
, Nock, Northam
, Nottingham,
Oberseider, Odeer,
Onions, Onley,
Outten, Palmer,
Parker, Parks,
Parramore, Parson,
Parsons, Passaro,
Patterson, Pettit,
Phillips, Pierce,
Pitts, Polk,
Portlock, Pott,
Poulson, Powell,
Prescott, Price,
Pruitt, Puesey,
Purnell, Quinby,
Rayfield, Read,
Reeves, Respess,
Revel, Rew, Rice
, Richardson,
Riggs, Riley,
Rippin, Roberts,
Robins, Robinson,
Roe, Rogers,
Rooks, Ross, Rowles
, Rowley, Russell
, Sanford, Satchell
, Saunders, Savage
, Scarburgh, Scott
, Selby, Senior
, Severn, Seymour
, Shackleford,
Sharpley, Sheldon,
Shepherd, Shield,
Shipham, Shockley,
Showard, Shrieves,
Small, Smith,
Snead, Snyder,
Somers, Spady,
Speakman, Stakes,
Stayton, Sterling,
Stewart, Stimson,
Stith, Stockley,
Stratton, Stuart,
Sturgis, Tankard ?),
Tankard, Tatham,
Taylor, Teackle,
Tharp, Thomas,
Thompson, Thornes,
Thornton, Thurston,
Tilney, Tompkins,
Topping, Townsend,
Trader, Travis,
Trower, Truitt,
Tull, Tunnell,
Turlington, Turner,
Turpin, Twiford,
Tyler, Tyndall,
Tyson, Underhill,
Unknown, Upsher,
Vaughn, Vermillion,
Vernellson, Volk,
Waddelow, Waddy,
Walker, Wallop,
Walsh, Walston,
Ward, Warner,
Warren, Warrington,
Waterfield, Watson,
Watts, Webb, Welch
, Wessells, West
, Westcott, Wharton
, Whealton, White
, Whitehead,
Widgeon, Wilgus,
Wilkerson, Wilkins,
Wilkinson, Willett,
Williams, Willis,
Wilson, Wimbrough,
Winder, Wise,
Wright, Wyatt,
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