Name |
Sarah Benston [1] |
Birth |
Abt 1722 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [1] |
Gender |
Female |
Will - Named in Fathers will |
14 May 1733 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [1] |
- In his will Ambrose Benston gave to son James Bensten plantation where I now live with all my land in Virginia or Maryland thereto adjoining except 1/2 of 130 acres which I give to Jonathan Bensten, and except all such land as is contained in the following bounds: beginning at a marked white oak standing near the head of the Branch at the upper end of my plantation, thence South to the Swamp by a line of trees also marked, thence along the swamp to my brother Alexander's line, thence along my said bro's. line to the Branch, thence down the said branch to the first mentioned white oak, all of which I give to my son Ambrose. Wife Rebeccah & daughters Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah & Tabitha residual legatees. Son James & brother in law John Bensten Exrs. Witt: John Pitts, Nathaniel Bensten, John Pitts, Jr.
Guardian - Someone was named as their guardian |
5 Feb 1733/34 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [2] |
- Rebecca Benston (widow of Ambrose Benston) renounced the legacies her husband left her in his will in favor of what she was allowed by law. Mary and Elizabeth Benston (orphans) chose Rebecca as their guardian. The court appointed Rebecca "Guardian to the rest of her Children" as well and ordered the executors of Ambrose Benston to deliver to her the estate belonging to the children.
Court - named in presentment |
30 Jan 1739/40 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [3] |
- John Northam and Sarah Benston had been presented by the grand jury for "incontinent Living." After examining the witnesses, the court committed them to the sheriff's custody till they each posted £50:00:00 sterling (for their good behavior and for not cohabiting) plus costs. William Andrews, Andrew Andrews and William Marshal each attended two days as evidence against Sarah Benston.
Court - named in order |
28 May 1740 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4] |
- Sarah Benston and John Northam were discharged.
Reference Identifier |
New Church |
Record ID |
93236 |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Siblings |
1 brother and 3 sisters |
| 1. Ambrose Benston, II, b. Abt 1712, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. tract A166, New Church, Accomack Co, Virginia  | + | 2. Mary Benston, b. Abt 1718, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═William Melvin, b. Abt 1714, Worcester Co, Maryland d. Bef 20 Feb 1784, Worcester Co, Maryland (Age < 70 years), m. Dec 1738, Worcester Co, Maryland
| + | 3. Elizabeth Benston, b. Abt 1720, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 28 Nov 1780, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 60 years) ╚═(--?--) Hill, b. Abt 1730 d. Bef 1780 (Age < 49 years), m. Abt 1750
| | 4. Sarah Benston, b. Abt 1722, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown | + | 5. Tabitha Benston, b. Abt 1725, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═Massey (of Edw) Benston, I, b. Abt 1728, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 26 Sep 1780, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 52 years), m. Abt 1750
| |
Half-siblings |
2 half brothers (family of Ambrose Benston and (dau of Jms) Davis) |
| 1. James (of Ambrose I) Benston, b. Abt 1708, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 6 Aug 1734, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 26 years) ╚═Elizabeth (--?--), b. Abt 1710 d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1730
| | 2. Jonathan (of Ambrose I) Benston, b. Abt 1710, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown | |
Origins  |
Patriarch & Matriarch |
Person ID |
I93236 |
MilesFiles23 |
Last Modified |
25 Nov 2019 |