Sources |
- [S2194] Leon deValinger Jr, State Archivist, Valinger, Sussex Co, DE Probate Records, 1680-1800, (Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, MD 1993 (reprint)), p. 43 (will of William Townsed, wife Elizabeth), 2194.
- [S2194] Leon deValinger Jr, State Archivist, Valinger, Sussex Co, DE Probate Records, 1680-1800, (Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, MD 1993 (reprint)), p. 52 (will of Elizabeth Townsend, widow), 2194.
- [S2194] Leon deValinger Jr, State Archivist, Valinger, Sussex Co, DE Probate Records, 1680-1800, (Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, MD 1993 (reprint)), p. 241 (will of Solomon Townsend Sr.), 2194.
- [S2226] Vern Skinner, Skinner, Genealogy Research, Sussex Co: Probate Files, 2226.
- [S2223] Dryden, Ruth - Townsend Family of Maryland, (Printed Privately, San Diego, CA 1993), p. 3 (2nd Generation), 2223.
- [S3181] Rob Hall (C.R.V. Hall) [email protected], Ancestors of Nicholas P. Cudnik, (Email to M.K. Miles, 8 Feb 2022), 3181.
- [S2321] Robbie Snowden, Snowdon, Robbie - Granger Family Research, Letter dated 9 Feb 1857 from Job Townsend to his cousin Mrs. Zadock Postles, 2321.