- In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham Collins, Margaret In his will William Fletcher gave to my brother Robert n. man Tapley and £30. To Savage and Thomas Cowdry the sons of Esther White £5 each. Resid. legatees my brother Robert Fletcher and my sister Esther White. Brother Robert extr. Witt: Patrick Quatpinus, Abraham [A] Collins, Margaret [M] Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark) Berry.
Full version of the will of William Fletcher:
In the name of God Amen I William Fletcher of Northampton County in ye colony of Virginia being very sick and weak of Body but of Perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to ye Almighty God for ye same And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye Doe make Constitute & appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following, Principally and first of all I bequeath my Soul to Almighty God & my body to ye earth to be buried after a Christian like and Clean & decent manner at ye discretion of my Executors nothing douthing but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive the same through ye Mighty Savior of God, & as for the Wordly Estate it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I Devise, Give, Will, and Bequeath as Followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother Robert Fletcher my negro man called Tapley to him and his heirs forever
Item I give and Bequeath to him ye said Robert Fletcher thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia, Likewise I give to him the said Robert Fletcher one Feather Bed & Furniture and one Work Horse
Item I give and Bequeath to Savage Cowdry & Thomas Cowdry the two sons of Esther White five pounds a piece, and all ye rest of my Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided between my Brother Robert Fletcher & my sister Esther White
Lastly I Appoint him my Brother Robert Fletcher my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament, In Witness Whereof I have unto set my Hand and Seal This First Day of March __ and in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Five, Six. Signed: William Fletcher (Seal). Witt: Patrick Quantmanus, Abraham A Collins (mark) & Margaret M Berry (mark)
| 1. Joshua (35) Savage, b. Abt 1713, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 1727, Northampton County, Virginia, USA (Age < 13 years) | + | 2. Flavia (36) Savage, b. Abt 1715, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═John (44) Stringer, b. Abt 1702, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 9 Apr 1751, Northampton County, Virginia, USA (Age < 49 years), m. Abt 1730
| + | 3. Esther (37) Savage, b. Abt 1717, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═Thomas Cowdrey, b. Abt 1690, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 18 Mar 1742/43, Northampton County, Virginia, USA (Age < 53 years), m. Abt 1730 ╚═Thomas White, b. Abt 1710 d. Bef 12 Jun 1759, Northampton County, Virginia, USA (Age < 49 years), m. 4 Nov 1745, Northampton County, Virginia, USA
| | 4. Elkington (38) Savage, b. 1719, Northampton County, Virginia, USA d. Aft 1727, Northampton County, Virginia, USA (Age > 9 years) | |