Sources |
- [S502] Jean Merritt Mihalyka & Faye Downing Wilson, Graven Stones of Lower Accomack County, Virginia, (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1987), 502.
- [S570] Stratton Nottingham, Accomack Co, VA, Wills & Administrations, 1663-1800, (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1990), p. 170 (adm of Bowman Cropper), 570.
- [S577] Walker & Turman, Acc Soldiers & Sailors in Rev, (Parksley, VA: A Project of the Eastern Shore Chapter National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1975 (Manuscript at the E.S.P.L.)), 577.
- [S3025] JoAnn Hines, Hines, JoAnn - DAR Patroits of Accomack Co, VA, (Provided to MK Miles by Mary Jane Burn, 10 Mar 2018), 3025.
- [S570] Stratton Nottingham, Accomack Co, VA, Wills & Administrations, 1663-1800, (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1990), p. 296 (will of Sebastian Cropper Jr., wife Sabra), 570.
- [S231] James Bright Corbin, Corbin, James B. - Corbin Family of N'hamp & Acc, (Photocopied, 1989), 231.