Name |
Robinson (of Rowland) Savage |
Birth |
Abt 1760 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA |
Gender |
Male |
Will - Named in Fathers will |
14 Nov 1784 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [1] |
- In his will Rowland Savage named son Kendal Savage, son Robinson Savage, granddaughter Peggy Savage, son Babel Savage, daughter Nanny, daughter Susannah Davis and son-in-law George Ashby.
Land - their land was processioned |
3 Jan 1792 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [2] |
- The lands of Robinson Savage were processioned, John Ashby present.
Land - their land was processioned |
23 Feb 1796 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [3] |
- The line between Robinson Savage & Elisha Mears & others was viewed.
Census head of household |
1800 |
St. George Parish, Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4] |
- He was shown as Robinson Savage (Rolen), age 26-45 (bc 1755-1775). Listed with him were 2M0-10, 2M16-26, 1F0-10, 1F16-26, 1F26-45 & 4 slaves.
Land - their land was processioned |
Feb 1800 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [5] |
- Lines between Robinson Savage and Severn Savage and lines between John Downing & Severn Savage were viewed.
Land - their land was processioned |
8 Dec 1803 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [6] |
- Lines between John Downing & Severn Savage and lines between Robinson Savage & Severn Savage were viewed.
Land - their land was processioned |
Mar 1808 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [7] |
- Lines between Jno Downing & Severn Savage, between Severn Savage & Robinson Savage, between Robinson Savage & Ricketts Tatham, between Robinson Savage & Elisha Mears Junr's heirs were viewed.
Census head of household |
1810 |
St. George Parish, Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4] |
- He was shown as Robinson Savage, age 45+ (b before 1765). Listed with him were 1M10-16, 1M16-26, 1F0-10, 1F45+ & 5 slaves.
Court - defendant |
7 May 1811 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [8] |
- In a case of ejectment of Timothy Trytitle (factious name) lessee of Moses Mears Plt. against Robinson Savage and Severn Savage Deft - This day came the parties by their Attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit; William Copes, Andrew Stewart, James Eichelberger, Thomas Edmunds, John A. Bundick, Mitchell S. West, George Burting Senr, Raymond Taylor, William Warrington, James Hardy, Woodman Bloxom and William Underhall who being elected tried and sworn well and truly to try the issue joined between the said parties retired and afterwards returned into Court with the following Verdict to wit, "We the Jury find for the Defendant." Therefore it is considered the Court that the Defendant go hence thereof without day (delay) and recover against the Plaintiff their costs by them about their defense in this behalf expended. (Source: p. 234-235 original District Court Ledger Book) (NOTE: This case is more fully reported under a land cause of this same date.)
Land - they were named in a land cause |
7 May 1811 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [9] |
- Mears' lessee vs R. Savage &c. - Be it remembered that heretofore to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 18 Oct 1803 came Timothy Trytitle lessee of Moses Mears by John Wise his attorney and brought into the said court his certain Bill against Harbottle Holdfast in custody &c of a plea of Trespass in Ejectment and there were pledges to prosecute to wit, John Doe and Richard Roe which bill follows in these words to wit, That whereas Moses Mears on 10 June 1803 at the Parish of St. George and county of Accomack, had devised, granted and to farm let to the said Timothy 5 messuages(?), 2 plantations, 2 gardens and 150 acres of land more or less with the appurtenances situate, lying and being in the County and parish aforesaid. To have and to hold the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances aforesaid to the said Timothy and his assigns from 1 June then last past unto the full end and term of 30 years thence that ensuing and fully to be complete and ended; By virtue of which said devise the said Timothy entered into the said lands & tenements with the appurtenances and was possessed thereof until the said Harbottle afterwards to wit, on the same 10th day of June in the year aforesaid, with force and arms & entered on the tenements aforesaid with the appurtenances in and up the possession of the said Timothy and ejected, drove out and commoved the said Timothy from his said farm his said term not yet being ended, and kept out and still keeps out the said Timothy so ejected, drove out and a moved from his said possession and there and then did other injuries to him, the said Timothy against the peace of the Commonwealth and to the damage of the said Timothy of 1,000 pounds & therefore he brings suit &c.
Sirs (Robinson & Severn Savage), I am informed that you are in possession of or claim title to the premises in this declaration of ejectment mentioned or to some part thereof & I'm being sued in this suit as a casual ejector and having no claim or title to the said premises do advise you to appear at the next Court to be held for the District composed of the counties of Accomack and Northampton at Accomack Courthouse on 11 Oct next and then and there by rule of court to cause yourself to be made Deft in my stead, otherwise I shall suffer judgment to be entered against me and you will be turned out of possession. Your friend, Harbottle Holdfast, 1 Sept, 1803. To Robinson Savage & Severn Savage.
Accomack County, to wit, Wm. R. Custis, Sub-Sheriff makes oath that the Deponent on 10 Oct 1803 delivered a true copy of the declaration & notice aforesaid to Robinson Savage and also another true copy to Severn Savage tenants in possession of the premises & at the same time told them that it was a declaration in Ejectment and that unless they did appear by some attorney of the Court of the District composed of the counties of Accomack and Northampton at the next District Court to be held at Accomack Courthouse on 14 Oct inst there will be a judgment thereupon against the Despondent by default & they would be turned out of possession or words to that effect. Sworn before me 13 Oct 1803 John Smith.
The defendant although solemnly called, came not, but made default and it appearing by the affidavit of William R. Custis Deputy Sheriff of Accomack County that Robinson and Severn Savage the tenants in possession of the premises in the declaration mentioned have been duly served with the declaration and notice there under written, and they not appearing. It was ordered that unless they having legal notice of this order or those under whom they claimed or some or one of them did appear here at the May Court then mat(?) and make themselves, himself or herself Defendant or Defendants in this suit in the room of the said Harbottle Holdfast plead the general issue confess the lease entry and ouster in the declaration supposed and enter into the common rule to insist on the title only at the trial judgment shall be entered for the Plaintiff and a writ of possession awarded him.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 15 May 1804 came the plaintiff by his attorney and on the motion of Robinson Savage and Severn Savage they were admitted defendants in this suit in the room of Harbottle Holdfast and confessed the lease entry and ouster in the declaration supposed and agreed to insist on the title only at the trial. Whereupon came the said Robinson Savage and Severn Savage by George Parker their attorney and defended the force and injury when &c and pleaded not guilty and put themselves upon the County and the said Plaintiff likewise, the trail of which was deferred until the next court.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 17 Oct 1804 came the parties by their attorneys and on the motion of the Plaintiff, a commission was awarded, directed to Martin Armstrong, Obediah Martin, Nicholas Houn, Henry Spier & Thomas Adams were to take the depositions of William Johnson Senr, John Summers Senr, James Evins, Elizabeth Freeman, Joshua Freeman, John Spier Senr & George Lash witness on behalf of the Plaintiff and residents of the County of Surry in the State of North Carolina and the said cause was continued until the next Court.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 15 May 1805 came the parties by their attorneys and on the motion of the Plt a commission is awarded him to be directed to Nicholas Horn, John Williams, Martin Armstrong, Joseph William Jr and Henry Spier or any three of them to take the Depositions of John Spier Senr and ____ his wife and Elizabeth Rose, witnesses on behalf of the Plt and the depositions of any other witness either party may choose to take or giving the other notice of the names of the witnesses whose depositions are intended to be taken 30 days previous thereto.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 14 Oct 1805 came the parties by their attorneys and by consent of parties this suit is continued until the next court.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 14 May 1806 this suit was continued at the costs of the plaintiffs and on motion of the Planitiff by John Wise his attorney it was ordered that a commission be awarded to take the depositions of Levin Mears to be read in audience, de bene isse.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 15 Oct 1806 this suit was continued at the Plaintiffs costs.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 14 Oct 1807 the said cause was continued.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 16 May 1808 this cause was continued at the Plaintiffs costs.
And at another day to wit, at a District Court held at Accomack Courthouse 14 Oct 1808 this cause was continued at the costs of the Plaintiff.
And at another day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held at Accomack Courthouse 2 May 1809 the said cause was continued.
And at another day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held at Accomack Courthouse 3 Oct 1809 the said cause was continued.
And at another day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held at Accomack Courthouse 8 May 1810 came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came also a Jury to wit, John Dix, Levi Dix, Americus Scarburgh, Ephraim Outten, John Snead, William R. Custis, Isaac Dunton, William Nock, Robert Savage, John Cropper Junr, John Phillips and William Cord who being elected, tried and sworn well and truly to try the issue joined between the said parties retired, and upon which for certain reasons as will to the Court as the parties aforesaid appearing the said John Phillips one the jurors of the said Jury from the panel of said Jury was withdrawn and the rest of the jurors of that Jury are wholly discharged from giving any verdict of and upon the premises and said cause was continued until the next court.
And at another day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held at Accomack Courthouse 1 Oct 1810 came the parties by their attorneys and by their consent it was ordered that the Surveyor of the county of Accomack do survey the lands in question between the parties, that he make out three fair and distinct plats thereof and return the same to the next court, and the said cause was continued. (NOTE: Such a Survey was not found in the Accomack County Survey Record Books of this time period by M.K. Miles.)
And more at this day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held at Accomack Courthouse 7 May 1811 came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came also a Jury to wit, William Copes, Andrew Stewart, James Eichelberger, Thomas Edmunds, John A. Bundick, Mitchell S. West, George Bunting Senr, Raymond Taylor, William Warrington, James Hardy, Woodman Bloxom and William Underhill who being elected, tried and sworn well and truly to try the issue joined between the said parties, retired and afterwards returned into the Court with the following verdict to wit, "We the Jury find for the Defendants." Therefore it is considered by the Court that the Defendants go hence thereof without delay and recover against the plaintiff their costs by them about their defense in this behalf expended.
Estate Settlement - Named in brothers settlement |
28 Oct 1811 [10] |
- It was on this date that administration on the estate of Charles Savage was granted to Joyce Savage with Robinson Savage & Laban Lewis securities. (Note: Robinson Savage was his brother and Laban Lewis was probably her brother.)
Land - their land was processioned |
9 Jan 1812 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [11] |
- Lines between Robertson Savage & the heirs of Severn Savage, and between Elisha Mears' heirs & Robertson Savage, and between Robertson Savage & Jno Kelly were viewed.
Land - they were named in a land cause |
9 Oct 1812 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [12] |
- Mears' lessee vs Molly Savage &c. - Be it remembered that heretofore to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held for Accomack County 9 Oct 1811 came Timothy Trytitle lessee of Moses Mears by John Wise his attorney and filed his declaration against Harbottle Holdfast of a plea of Trespass in Ejectment, which declaration and the notice there under written and affidavit thereon endorsed are in the words following "Accomack County to wit, Timothy Trytitle complains of Harbottle Holdfast in custody &c that whereas Moses Mears on 10 June 1811 at the Parish of St. George and county of Accomack aforesaid, had devised, granted and to farm let to the said Timothy 2 messuages(?), 2 plantations, 2 gardens and 150 acres of land, more or less, with appurtenances situate, lying and being in the parish and county aforesaid, to have and to hold the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances aforesaid to the said Timothy and his assigns from 1 June then last past, unto the full end and term of 30 years thence that ensuring and fully to be complete and ended. By virtue of which said demise the said Timothy entered into the said lands and tenements with the appurtenances and was possessed thereof until the said Harbottle afterwards to wit, on the same 10 June in the year aforesaid with force and arms &c entered on the tenements aforesaid with the appurtenances in and upon the possession of the said Timothy and ejected, drove out and amoved the said Timothy from his said farm his said term not yet being ended, and kept out and still keeps out the said Timothy so ejected drove out and amoved from his said possession and then and there did other injuries to him the said Timothy against the peace of the Commonwealth, and to the damage of the said Timothy of 1,000 pounds and therefore he brings suit &c.
Sir, (Robinson Savage & Molly Savage) I am informed that you are in possession of or claim title to the premises in the declaration of Ejectment mentioned or to some part thereof and I being sued in this suit as a casual ejector and having no claim or title to the said premises, do advise you to appear on the first day of the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Accomack County in the present month of October and then and there by rule of court to cause yourself to be made defendant in my steed, otherwise I shall suffer judgment to be entered against me and you will be turned out of possession. Your friend Harbottle Holdfast, 1 Oct 1811. To Robinson Savage & Molly Savage.
Accomack County, to wit, William Robinson Custis, Sub-Sheriff, makes oath that the deponent on 4 Oct 1811 delivered a true copy of this declaration and notice aforesaid to Robinson Savage and also another true copy to Molly Savage tenants in possession of the premises and at the same time told them that it was a declaration in ejectment and that unless they did appear by some attorney of the Superior Court of Law held for Accomack County at the Courthouse on the first Monday of October Inst. there would be a judgment thereupon against the defendant by default and he would be turned out of possession or words to that effect. Sworn before Thomas Custis, 7 Oct 1811
And the Defendant , although solemnly called, came not but made default and it appearing by the affidavit of William Robinson Custis, Sub-Sheriff of Accomack County that Robinson Savage and Molly Savage the tenants in possession of the premises in the declaration mentioned had been duly served with the declaration and notice there under written and they not appearing it was ordered that unless they, the said Robinson Savage and Molly Savage, having legal notice of this order or those under whom they claimed or some or one of them do appear here at May Court next and make themselves herself or himself defendant or defendants in this suit in the room of Harbottle Holdfast plead the general issue, confess the lease entry and ouster in the declaration supposed and enter into the common rule to insist on the title only at the trail, judgment should be entered for the plaintiff and writ of possession award him.
And on another day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held for Accomack County 6 May 1812 came the plaintiff by Thomas M. Baly his attorney and on motion of Molly Savage and Robinson Savage by Major S. Pitts and Severn E. Parker their Attorneys they were admitted defendants in this writ in the room of Harbottle Holdfast and confessed the lease entry and ouster in the declaration supposed and agreed to insist on the title only at the trail. Whereupon the said Molly Savage and Robinson Savage by their said Attorneys came and defended the force and injury when &c and plead not guilty and thereof they put themselves upon the country and the said plaintiff likewise, the trail of which was deferred until the next court.
And now at this day to wit, at a Superior Court of Law held for Accomack County 9 Oct 1812, it being admitted by the Plaintiff's Attorney that he had received notice from the Defendants' Attorney that security for the costs of this suit was required to be given, which notice was given more than 60 days ago, and no person now appearing and entering for the plaintiff as his security for the costs on motion of the Defendants by their attorney that this suit be dismissed for want of such security that this suit is dismissed by the court accordingly. Therefore it is considered by the court that the defendants go hence thereof without delay and recover against the said plaintiff their costs by them about their defense in this behalf expended.
Administrator of an estate - Named as an Administrator of an estate |
30 Nov 1812 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [13] |
- It was on this date that administration on the estate of Polly Savage was granted to Robinson Savage with William Smith, John Davis & George Snead Sr. securities.
Anecdote |
- NOTE: On 18 Oct 1990, Mary Frances Carey, a noted Accomack County certified genealogist, sent a letter and 4 page report to Mrs. Dorothy Myhre of Meza, AZ, regarding her ancestor Levin Savage (1750-1837) of Surry County, NC, who was thought to have been from Accomack County based on the names of some of his children being typical Accomack County Savage family names. Mrs. Carey spent many hours sorting out 3 of the 5 known Savage families on Virginia's Eastern Shore (Accomack & Northampton Counties), that being the Griffin, Rowland and John Savage families of Accomack County. She concluded that the Levin Savage of Surry Co, NC may have been the same as the Severn Savage named as a defendant in a Land Cause first filed in Accomack County on 18 Oct 1803 when Moses Mears brought a suit of ejectment against Robinson Savage and Severn Savage, as tenants in possession of 2 plantations, 2 gardens and 150 acres of land. She noted that in 1804 depositions were to be taken from a group of people who were residents of Surry Co, NC, on behalf of Moses Mears. She concluded that Moses Mears was trying to overthrow the 1785 will of Captain Rowland Savage who left his land to a younger son Robinson Savage instead of his oldest son Levin. The suit was continued many times and finally in May 1811 a jury found for the defendants Robinson and Severn Savage. Then in Oct 1812 Moses Mears brought another suit of ejectment against Molly Savage, the assumed wife of Robinson Savage, but dropped the suit when the court ordered that he provide a security bond to cover the costs of the suit if he was not successful. (NOTE: See the above Land Cause and Court case for more details.) Some 26 years later in May 2016, I was asked to consider the conclusion provided by Mrs. Carey and if I concurred to add Levin Savage of Surry Co, NC, to the MilesFiles as a son of Capt. Rowland Savage. At first I tented to agree with Mrs. Carey when I looked at the original hand written court documents and realized that the capital "S" in Severn looked very similar to the capital "L" used on the same page for the name Lacatto. After borrowing Mrs. Carey's 26 year old file folder on this family and going through all her notes and charts, I decided to check the Processioners Returns for this time period which she did not mention in her report nor were there any copies of these reports in her file. In her defense these Processioners Returns were un-indexed and extremely difficult to use until Gail Walczyk published them with an every name index in 2004. First of all there was no mention of a Moses Mears in these books nor in the Accomack County deed books index nor Accomack County wills & administrations of this time period, so evidently Moses was from Surry Co, NC. It is also evident that his interest in overthrowing the will of Captain Rowland Savage was to gain control of the land and that would occur only if he had married a daughter of Captain Rowland Savage. Robinson Savage was first listed in the Processioners Returns in 1792, proving he lived in and owned land in Accomack County at that time. Then in Feb 1800 lines between Robinson Savage & Severn Savage were viewed, proving they lived in and owned adjacent parcels of land in Accomack County at that time. Then in Dec 1803 and in Mar 1808 lines between Robinson Savage & Severn Savage were viewed again. Then in Jan 1812 lines between Robinson Savage and the heirs of Severn Savage were viewed, proving Severn Savage had died between 1808 and 1812. And finally in Dec 1815 lines between Robinson Savage's heirs and Severn Savage's heirs were viewed, proving Robinson Savage had died. From these facts it is evident that the Severn Savage, a defendant in the suit of ejectment brought by Moses Mears, could not be the same person as the Levin Savage in Surry Co, NC, as Severn Savage was present in Accomack County from 1800 until his death between 1808 and 1812 and Levin Savage of Surry Co, NC, died in 1837 in Tennessee.
Will |
7 Aug 1815 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [15] |
- In his will Robinson Savage gave son Major Savage all my land & plantation whereon I now live containing 160 acres & also ... To son Hutchinson Savage all my rights & title in the grist mill, which is ½ , that I purchased of the heirs of Elisha Mears dec'd & also ... To daughter Hessy Savage ... To Edmund Mears, son of Milly Mears, £5. To Thorowgood Mears, son of Milly Mears, £5. To Meriah Mears, daughter of Milly Mears, £3. My son Major Savage shall pay the above sums of money to Edmund, Thorowgood & Meriah Mears. To son Hutchinson Savage & daughter Hessy Savage the remainder. Friend George Smith Jr. & Francis Savage Sr. Extrs. Witt: John Kelly of Sabra, John Downing & Joshua Taylor.
Death |
Bef 1 Dec 1815 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [15] |
- It was on this date that his will was proved. Francis Savage Sr. & William P. Moore securities.
Land - their land was processioned |
12 Dec 1815 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [16] |
- Lines between Rich'd Tatham & Robinson Savage's heirs and lines between Rich'd Tatham & Jno. T. Robinson were viewed with Major Savage present.
Land - their land was processioned |
29 Dec 1815 |
District No. 5, St. George Parish, Accomack Co, Virginia [16] |
- Lines between Severn Savage's heirs & Robinson Savage's heirs were viewed by Major Savage & others.
Estate Settlement - Their estate was settled |
26 Jan 1818 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [17] |
- The settlement of the estate of Robinson Savage - 5 Dec 1815 (Invy & Sale), 31 Mar 1817 (Order to Audit), 26 Jan 1818 (Rec'd) - George Smith Extr. Buyers: Major Savage & Hessy Savage. Named in settlement: George S. Savage, Francis Savage Sr. & Moses Savage. Auditors: Francis Savage Sr. & William P. Moore. On 1 Jul 1817 Major Savage acknowledged receipt from George Smith Extr. of Robinson Savage for $584.92 being the full balance of the Audit for the payment of Robinson Savage's dec'd interest on his land to William P. Moore.
Reference Identifier |
Acc-Rowland |
Record ID |
44705 |
Siblings |
5 brothers and 3 sisters |
+ | 1. Levin (of Rowland) Savage, Sr., b. Abt 1750, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. 1 Sep 1837, Celina, Clay Co, Tennessee (Age 87 years) ╚═Mary Sarah Elizabeth Martin, b. 1 Aug 1750, Surry Co, North Carolina d. 1 Aug 1832, Jackson Co, Tennessee (Age 82 years), m. Abt 1775, Surry Co, North Carolina
| | 2. Severn (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1756, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 9 Jan 1812, Distrit No. 5, Accomack Co, Virginia (Age < 56 years) | + | 3. Charles (of Rowland) Savage, Sr., b. Abt 1756, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 28 Oct 1811, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 55 years) ╚═Joyce Lewis, b. Abt 1764, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1800, Accomack County, Virginia, USA
| + | 4. Susanna (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1758, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. 16 Sep 1848, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age 90 years) ╚═William Davis, b. Abt 1764, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. 27 Jun 1796, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age 32 years), m. Bef 14 Nov 1784 ╚═Levin Hyslop, b. 1754, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Abt 27 Apr 1835, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age 81 years), m. 11 Sep 1798, Accomack County, Virginia, USA
| + | 5. Kendall (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1758, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 25 Apr 1815, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 57 years) ╚═Elizabeth(?) (--?--), b. Abt 1760, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1782
| + | 6. Robinson (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1760, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 1 Dec 1815, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 55 years) ╚═Elizabeth 'Betsy' Mears, b. Abt 1772, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown , m. 28 Aug 1792, Accomack County, Virginia, USA ╚═Molly 'Polly' Roberts, b. Abt 1780, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 30 Nov 1812, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 32 years), m. 27 Jul 1804, Accomack County, Virginia, USA
| | 7. (dau of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1761, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═Moses Mears, b. Abt 1760, North Carolina d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1782
| | 8. Zorobabel 'Babel' (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1762, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 1800, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 37 years) | + | 9. Nancy 'Nanny' (of Rowland) Savage, b. Abt 1764, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 27 Feb 1797, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 33 years) ╚═George (of Ezekiel) Ashby, b. Abt 1748, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. 1794, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age 46 years), m. Abt 1785
| |
Origins  |
Patriarch & Matriarch |
Rowland Savage, I, b. Abt 1640 d. Bef 5 Nov 1717, Accomack County, Virginia, USA  (Age < 77 years) (2 x Great Grandfather) Sarah (--?--), (wife of Abraham Taylor), b. Abt 1725, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 26 Jul 1785, Accomack County, Virginia, USA  (Age 60 years) (Grandmother)  |
Person ID |
I44705 |
MilesFiles23 |
Last Modified |
3 Jun 2016 |