Name |
William (25) Andrews [1] |
Suffix |
(IV) |
Birth |
Abt 1684 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA |
Gender |
Male |
Land - they bought land |
1722 |
tract A126, Bloxom, Accomack Co, Virginia [2] |
- John Hinman, Yeoman, of Sussex Co, DE, sold all of his inheritance to William Andrews. In 1740 he deeded 800 acres to Robert Andrews in trust, providing that William and wife Mary were to remain there as long as they lived, and then it was to go to their son William. In a deed for property elsewhere in 1753, it was revealed that Mary had been the widow of Daniel Gore, who had been the grandfather of another Daniel Gore living in that year.
Anecdote |
1730 |
tract A126, Guilford, Accomack Co, Virginia [3] |
- In 1730 the Assembly appointed Mr. Andrews' warehouse landing at Guilford as the place to be used in this section as the Guilford Tobacco Warehouse.
Anecdote |
4 Jul 1732 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4] |
- On 4 Jul 1732 he took oath as justice of Accomack County.
Anecdote |
1740 |
tract A126, Guilford, Accomack Co, Virginia [3] |
- In 1740 it was ordered by the Court, being informed by John Snead, Gentleman, who was directed to view the Warehouses at Guilford, that William Andrews the proprietor of the said Houses had refused to find sufficient House Room and to repair the said Houses and the Presses. It was ordered that Ralph Justice and Jabez Pitt the Inspectors at the said Houses do agree with Workmen to be paid by the County to build and repair the same.
Court - named in motion |
28 May 1741 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [5] |
- On the motion of Ralph Justice, it was ordered that William Andrews be summoned to the next court to show why he did not become administrator of the estate of Selby Gore, decd. (NOTE: Selby Gore's mother Mary Selby married first Daniel Gore (died by 1720) and married second William Andrews, who was alive when Selby died, and would have been the logical choice to settle his step-son's estate. It should also be NOTED that Ralph Justice was normally a justice on the court and had been a justice the day before (26 May 1741) and the day after (30 Jun 1741), but was not a justice on this day, probably because he brought this and another action before the justices for a decision. Therefore he must have had some personal interest in settleing Selby Gore's estate.)
Land - they bought land |
1743 |
tract A138, Mappsville, Accomack Co, Virginia [6] |
- Ryley and Thomas Slocombe sold united in a deed to William Andrews for land in this tract where Robert Slocomb the elder formerly lived. Andrews deeded it back to Ryley alone the next year, and in 1747 he sold the 100 acres to Nathaniel Shay.
Land - they gave land to someone |
1745 |
tract A126, Bloxom, Accomack Co, Virginia [2] |
- It was on this date that William Andrews gave 130 acres of this tract to his daughter Leah, the wife of James Pettigrew. It was the east end of the land along the bayside road. After the death of Pettigrew in 1772, Leah gave this land to her son John, and 5 years later he and wife Anne sold it, along with some other acreage, to Nathaniel L. Savage of Northampton, who by that time had become the owner of the rest of the Andrews land.
Security on Admin |
27 Aug 1751 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [7] |
- It was on this date that administration on the estate of Jacob Morgan was granted to Arnold Morgan with William Andrews securities.
Land - they released their rights to land |
1753 |
tract A183, north of Horntown, Accomack Co, Virginia [8] |
- William and Mary Andrews gave a deed of release to Daniel for her dower interest in the land, she having been the relict of his grandfather Daniel.
Bound Out - They had a child bound to them to learn a trade |
26 Jun 1753 |
Accomack Parish, Accomack County, Virginia, USA [9] |
- Ordered that Thomas Mualtoe (mulatto) Bastard child of Elizabeth Robinson aged Seventeen Years last May be bound by the Church Wardens of this parish of Accomack till Thirty One years of age to William Andrews Gentleman he giving Security to Perform the conditions of the indenture.
Reference Identifier |
Acc |
Record ID |
32544 |
Will |
24 Sep 1763 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4, 10] |
- To wife Mary 1/2 my estate provided she consent that her son William Andrews divide same as he thinks fit, in not to have the 1/3 allowed by law. Balance of estate to Ishmeal Mason, alias Ishmael Andrews, the child that was charged to my son by the oath of his now wife before he was married to her. Son William Extr. Witt: Geore Scott, Ann Scott and Rachel Bundick. Codicil: Should Ishmael Mason, alias Ishmael Andrews, die without issue my son William to have the estate given the said Ishmael. Same witnesses.
Death |
Bef 29 Nov 1763 |
Accomack County, Virginia, USA [4, 10] |
- It was on this date that his will was proved.
Siblings |
1 brother |
+ | 1. Marcus (24) Andrews, b. Abt 1682, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. May 1750 (Age 68 years) ╚═Rebeckah (--?--), b. Abt 1685 d. Aft 8 Oct 1757, Dorchester Co, Maryland (Age > 72 years), m. Abt 1705
| + | 2. William (25) Andrews, (IV), b. Abt 1684, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 29 Nov 1763, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 79 years) ╚═Mary Selby, b. 1689, Somerset Co, Maryland d. Bef 24 Apr 1764, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 75 years), m. 5 Apr 1720
| |
Half-siblings |
2 half brothers and 2 half sisters (family of William (11) Andrews and Comfort Haggoman) |
| 1. Margaret (26) Andrews, b. Abt 1686, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown | + | 2. Nathaniel (27) Andrews, b. Abt 1687, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Bef 2 May 1721, Accomack County, Virginia, USA (Age < 34 years) ╚═Elizabeth Morris, b. Abt 1667, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1712, Accomack County, Virginia, USA
| + | 3. Dorothy (29) Andrews, b. Abt 1694, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Yes, date unknown ╚═John Hastings, b. Abt 1690 d. Bef 25 Sep 1739 (Age < 49 years), m. Abt 1712
| + | 4. Isaac (28) Andrews, b. Abt 1703, Accomack County, Virginia, USA d. Jan 1758 (Age 55 years) ╚═Mary Stanaway, b. Abt 1705 d. Yes, date unknown , m. Abt 1730
| |
Origins  |
Patriarch & Matriarch |
Person ID |
I32544 |
MilesFiles23 |
Last Modified |
15 Aug 2020 |