Hundreds of Eastern Shore Families from Charlemagne to the Present
Shadrack (of Shad) Mears (1755-1817) |
Esther (d|o_Thos?) Fisher (1764- ) |
John Mears (1786-1854) |
George (of Shad) Mears, (miller) (1790-1869) |
James Stant (1770-1840) |
Euphamy Wilson (1775-1840) |
James Stant (1795- ) |
Samuel Stant (1796-1831) |
William Stant (1800-1865) |
Gilbert Stant (1802-1885) |
Edmond Stant (1805-1886) |
Henry Stant (1806- ) |
Sally Stant (1815- ) |
Elizabeth 'Betty' Stant (1816- ) |
Robert Mears (1798- ) |
Ann 'Nancy' Stant (1800- ) |
Sarah 'Sally' Mears (1825-1849) |
Drucilla Mears (1835-1912) |
Mary J.W. Mears (1839-1909) |
We document sources for people in this family tree. If you have records to add, please let us know.